How can we maintain sanitation
Disinfect each area before every client.
Just about everything in the salon has a hard or soft surface of some type. Some examples are manicuring tabletops and arm cushions, finger bowls, towels, files/buffers, implements, etc. Any of these surfaces coming into direct contact with a client’s skin is considered “contaminated”. All contaminated surfaces must be thoroughly and properly:
- Cleaned
- Disinfected
To be considered properly clean, a surface must first be thoroughly scrubbed free of all visible signs of debris or residue (contamination). Proper cleaning is the total removal of all visible residue from every surface of tables, tools and equipment, followed by a complete and thorough rinsing with clean water.
Proper disinfection is the destruction of potentially harmful or infection-causing microorganisms (pathogens) on a pre-cleaned surface.
This step is done following a cleaning and requires the use of a disinfectant such as Barbicide®, Barbicide® Plus or Barbicide® Wipes.
Use a new file and buffer for each client
Nail files, pumice stones and buffers are considered porous, which cannot be disinfected. That means they should be disposed after EVERY service, aka never reused on anyone else!
Unclean or used tools can cause athlete’s foot, staph infections, herpes, HIV-1 and Hepatitis B and C